Biology: Western Australia

meriSTEM Biology

The current syllabus in Western Australia is different in content and sequence to the Australian Curriculum, however there is much overlap with the unit 2 modules; Cells as the basis of life and multicellular organisms.

These are example schedules to demonstrate the content of the meriSTEM online course as it might map to the WA curriculum.

Unit 2

Use meriSTEM Module Use meriSTEM Sub-topics Australian Curriculum Biology Science Understandings
Science Skills
Cells as the Basis of Life 1. Microscopes and cell theory 39, 40, 45, 46, 52
2. Cell structure and function 45 - 49
3. Cell structure and function: Photosynthesis study 47, 49, 52, 54, 55, 59
4. Energy for cells 53, 44
5. Proteins 44, 49, 50, 51
Multicellular Organisms 1. Cell specialisation 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, , 56, 57, 60
2. Animal systems and cell specialisation

Note. As this course was designed around the Australian Curriculum, currently the course does not include specifically:

  • synthesis of biological molecules from monomers
  • enzyme models (lock and key model and the induced fit model)
  • analysing the rates of photosynthesis and cellular respiration based on reactants available
  • adaptations of terrestrial Australian plants.