Flipped classrooms

Flipped learning

In Flipped Classrooms, traditional in-class activities are flipped with traditionally out-of-class activities.

Traditional in-class activity Ways to flip (done out-of-class)
Lecture, chalk & talk 1 -4 minute video chunks,  text book readings
Teacher-led simple questioning for understanding Online quizzes, questions
Note taking, summarising Self-paced study using videos, internet research

Using a combination of online and physical activities is termed Blended Learning

Take the passive out of the classroom, and you’ll have a more active class

Flipping frees up class time to do “homework” activities in class, all with the benefits of peer-to-peer learning and a teacher guide at the ready.

What could you do better with more time? Skills practice? Problem solving? Hands-on activities? Open-ended investigations?

Continue to Flipped classrooms and blended learning / Why flipped learning?