There are many ways to get involved
meriSTEM is volunteer-powered. Volunteers use their subject knowledge, educational experience and passion to create quality resources for teachers to use in their classes. Volunteers can get involved:
- Producing educational videos
- Editing automatic YouTube video transcripts
- Writing inter-video questions and feedback
- Writing worksheets and worksheet solutions
- Developing experiments and experiment guides
- Creating open-ended, ill-defined, real-world questions as a classroom activity
- Reviewing the materials created
- Sharing implementation strategies and tips
meriSTEM facilitates numerous training sessions throughout the year to assist volunteers to maximise their impact. Workshops in 2019 have included transcript creation, scripting and filming videos, and editing videos.

Currently, meriSTEM is actively developing in Chemistry and Earth Sciences. If you’d like to get involved, send an email to learn more.
Details regarding the meriSTEM contributor agreement, acceptable use of information technology and ANU volunteer declaration can be found on the Agreements page.
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